I feel like I have really neglected my blog this week…I have a ton of reasons, but most of them have to do with my new killer tough work-out routine and report cards! Yes, it was the last week of the quarter for year-round teachers. The last week always seems to be one of the most stressful – report cards, end of quarter assessments and reading tests. I am sure that if I am this exhausted my students must be too!
We used our talking chain again this week and my kiddo’s did GREAT! We’re learning about sound in our science unit and we made it to 13 links! That means they are really listening to what others are saying and making those connections. Ah-mazing!
Here is what our talking chain looked like before… look closely... yes, the three little links in the corner...
And, I was so excited, I forgot to take the after pictures! You can also see the marble jar in the background. Our marble jar is how our class earns great group activities because they have shown such fantastic classroom behavior! I can’t wait for them to earn their first celebration…I might have to add some extra marbles before they arrive at school on Monday!
I also wanted to give you an update on WBT! Well it has been rough hit and miss, but they are successful about 80 percent of the time. That is better than we were doing at the beginning of the year, so I’ll take it!
I am so excited about October – I love the fall. My students are getting ready to do some non-fiction research about spiders and bats! This is always a project I look forward to because they really learn new information and recognize their misconceptions! Here is a quick peek at some new materials that I plan on using my my students next week!