Oh my gosh – my 5 for Five results are horrible!! Good thing I don’t let it determine what kind of person I am or I would be the flea on the poop in the hair of the smelly dog! Seriously, no one wants to be that low!
1. Gym three times this week – seriously?! Yes, I really have good excuses this week... I got there Monday, but...
Tuesday was a rough day (pour me another please)
Wednesday I was at Best Buy for 2 hours getting my new iPhone (poor hubby had to listen to me whine because the battery on my old phone died and I was bored...so, I played with his phone for awhile, and then he sent me to play with the iPad they had there instead! I really NEED one of those!!!)
Thursday Oldest Realistic finally got home for break
Friday... just pour me another please; it’s been a rough week!
2. Start decorating for Christmas – ugh! Thank God Oldest & Girlfriend Realistic are home. They are going to be responsible for putting up the pretty things this year!
3. Work on some of my January school projects – ugh, another goal that I didn’t get to. But report cards got done so that should count for bonus points or something!!
4. Schedule that massage appointment – nope, not this week either! I need to call them this week, no excuses since I’ve added it to the reminder list on my phone!
But… I did schedule that doctor’s appointment I’ve been procrastinating so, I’m going to count that as double points!
5. Stop and take time to eat lunches – sweet!! Something I can actually say I accomplished!
Yep! Holy Toledo – it was a bad week! I can’t even begin to explain it…nor, would you want to listen.
But I did get a new my new iPhone which I absolutely adore!! I got the 5 with a cute Otter Box protector. I’m waiting until after Christmas to get a super cute monogrammed case… or at least until Mr. Realistic overlooks a Visa charge or two!!
But I do have a special stupendous secret in store!!! You’ll have to wait until next week to see what I have planned. Just sayin’ - in-cred-ible!! Even Mr. Realistic was in shock and awe of my scheme!! Yes!!!!
So, I’m moving on and making a new list of to-do’s that I plan on actually accomplishing this week… not that I didn’t plan on meeting my goals last week but so many other things sprung up!
I’m not even adding the gym to my list this week. Yes, I plan on getting there, but I don’t want it to possibly be on the ~almost~ list next week.
1. Gather all of the materials and supplies I need to make gingerbread stations, nutcracker activities, and parent gifts BEFORE I actually need them in my classroom.
2. Schedule that dang massage appointment – the beginning of January would be a great time to go!
3. Start Christmas shopping (yes, I am hanging my head in shame). But, (in my whiniest voice) no one has gotten me their lists. Those dang teenage boys!
4. Check out and read a non-teaching book… a no-brainer novel for winter break sounds about right!!
5. Make sure I take care of my health this week by eat breakfast & lunch!!
And, of course, I couldn't have you stopping by without giving you a Manic Monday freebie!! Here is one that should get you through the week...
That is all I have to share with you this Monday!
Have a wonderful day – make sure to tell the people you care about that you love them and be thankful for the little things you have in your life. Please keep the families and community members of Sandy Hook Elementary in your thoughts and prayers.