Social Sunday

I’m linking up with Neely and Ahsley for Social Sunday!  I love finding out new things about my bloggy friends so hopefully you play along.  If you do, please comment and let me know, so I can find out more about you!! :)

This Week’s Questions:

1.  Do you plan to change any of your eating habits in the new year?
Yes, yes, yes.  I actually plan on consuming enough calories throughout the day. One thing I learned last year was that I have put my body into starvation mode (okay, it doesn’t look like it…but according to my trainer I did).  Apparently I don’t eat enough throughout the day – coffee and dinner does not sustain an active body. 

So I am working really hard to add more healthy calories to my diet and spread them out throughout the day – breakfast & lunch!

2.  Any workout tips to get us back in shape after the Holidays?
I have a really hard time working out alone…okay, I just don’t!  I’ve found that I am more likely to workout with a buddy.  So I have partnered up with my best friend and we are holding each other accountable for going to Zumba at least 3 times a week.  I’m sure you’ve heard me mention how much I LOVE Zumba.

3. Favorite thing you did over the Holidays?
Hands down, surprising my Dad!! We snuck to the Mitten for a surprise visit – only Realistic Mom knew about our plan.  It was fantastic to be able to surprise my whole family and lots of our friends!!

We didn’t get to see everyone we would have liked to have seen, but I’m glad to say that we saw our whole family!!! My favorite visit was to my brand new nephew.  He is adorable!!!  Oldest Realistic’s thumb was as big as new babies foot….great photo shot, and super adorable!

4.  What is something you hope to accomplish in 2013 that you did not in 2012?
Peace of mind.  I need to rest my mind and know that although I am not perfect, what I do is enough.  Ah, the life of an OCD teaching perfectionist – I’m sure that others in my world know it all too well!!

5.  Name 3 things happening this year you are excited about and why.
Returning to the Mitten again in July for our annual family reunion.  This year is a big one and family is coming from all over the country, so I am super excited to see cousins that I haven’t seen in years!!

Oldest Realistic will be finishing his first year of college.  I am amazed and proud of this huge accomplishment!

Youngest Realistic is turning 16.  I can’t believe it has been almost 16 years since I gave birth to my little bug.  He isn’t really excited to get his license so it is not like a huge birthday to him, but it is exciting that he is going to reach this milestone.  I can’t say I’m disappointed about him not getting his license…one less worry, and we benefit from not adding him to our auto insurance! :)

I hope that you play along and link up, so I can find out some new things about you.  I love connecting with my bloggy friends – it seems like we have so much in common besides just blogging!!

Have a great Sunday!!
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