Friday Test Prep Freebie

We are working on test taking strategies in my classroom this week…well, we have been for a few weeks.  I want my kids to have the strategies to do well on their quarterly assessments.  Some of them get so stressed that they can’t even thing straight.  I feel so bad for them.  So, I have been teaching them the same strategies that I used with my seventh and fifth graders.

I’ve modified it so that it is much more kid friendly.  Actually, I can’t remember where I learned these tips – it was before blogging and Pinterest, but I’m sure it was online somewhere.  If it was you, please let me know so I can give credit where it is due!!

I think when students get these tests they are so focused on answering the questions that they skim the reading passage and head straight to the questions.  I’ve tried to teach my kids to slow down and think about each step in the process.  Hopefully these posters will help them.  The adorable backgrounds are from Fun for Learning.  Make sure you head over to my store and pick up your freebies.

 I hope that your week was simply amazing!
Freebie Fridays

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