This next track-in does seem to be my longest stretch though – getting through the winter months is just as hard for a year-round teacher. I remember teaching traditional and thinking knowing spring break would never arrive!! On a more serious note, I have some questions for my bloggy friends…
Do you have a blog for your class? Do you use your personal blog as a classroom blog?
I’m thinking about starting a blog for my students and their families. I know, really?! like I need one more thing on my plate. I already have my Blackboard site, but I don’t use it that much. I find that blogging is way easier. Please let me know what you do because I’m curious and would love your opinions before I start something I shouldn’t…or start something that would be fantastic!! I know I can count on my virtual teacher friends :)
Here are some great giveaways that I am excited to be a part of right now. You know I love a great giveaway!!
Mrs. Jones Kindergarten is hosting a Primary Holiday Giveaway! This is her first giveaway, so make sure you head over there and give her some bloggy love & support!!
From my store you can win…one of my holiday favorites…The Nutcracker station and activities unit!!
And…First Grade with a Twist(love the name of her blog) is having a giveaway too! She has reached her 100 follower goal!! Yayyy!!
From my store you can win…Diary of a … {A winter writing unit}. I can’t wait to use this next month with my kids! As soon as we do, I’ll snap some pictures & post the results!!!
Don’t procrastinate! Make sure you head over to these amazing blogs and enter their giveaways today…and give me your opinions…to blog (for my classroom) or not?
Peace out peeps!