I am so excited – next Monday and Tuesday is the Cyber Monday and Tuesday TpT Sale!! That is up to 28% off most stores!!
Here is how it works – most stores are already offering 20% off. If you enter promo code CMT12 you receive an additional 10% off. That makes it – forgive me because I’m not a math major, but I do know that 20+10 is 30 – 28% off the regular price.
Here is the real break down because, like I said, I'm no math major – I needed remediation! You get 20% off the price, so if you have a product for $3.00 – you are paying $2.40. And then you take 10% off the $2.40 – you are now paying $2.16.
Shut the front door! Like my Dad always says, “that’s almost free!” This Daddy’s girl can’t pass up anything that is “almost” free – you can double check with Mr. Realistic or VISA for verification!
One of my favorite things to do in our class this time of the year is Holidays & Traditions around the World. Now, I can’t remember where our grade-level gathered ALL of our materials – we have a metric TON – but I that some of what we use came from Christina Bainbridge’s Christmas Around the World (yes, I’m a HUGE fan!!) and her adorable Christmas Around the World Scrapbook freebie on TpT!! One of my all time favorites! We switch classes for writing so we implement this in during our writing time!! Yayyy!! It means I get to do more fun stuff with my kiddo’s in addition to the other projects we do this time of year.
This probably goes without saying because I think everyone loves The Grinch!
Okay – seriously?! I could go on forever & I know you don’t have that much time!! I’ve covered a ton of school favorites & I won’t even get into my personal favorites list, no one has time for that!
Enjoy your Turkey Day tomorrow all! I know I will be snuggled up sitting next to my boys and enjoying some family time!!
Love, peace & chicken turkey grease! ~Realistic