Thank you Pinterest for helping me keep this in mind...
I'm linking with Jenn & Jessica this week and posting the top 5 on my to-do list. Hopefully this will be the motivator I need to get it all done!
1. Finish my Nutcracker activities. I really want to get this finished so I can actually use it this school year!
2. Go to the gym Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday this week. Of course I need to get my Zumba on, but Wednesday I also need the trainer
3. Focus on the growth of my blog and Facebook pages. I need to remember not to get down on myself and focus on what is going right. Guess that means improving my mental attitude this week.
4. Start (and possibly finish) my Christmas Eve pack. I want to create some activities for my students to do on the 24th. It will keep them busy if they're traveling, or doing something other than watching television or playing video games. I think it'll be a great start to their break!
5. Eat breakfast (even if it's just drinking a smoothie) every morning this week. I was doing really well for awhile, but it was a quick slip last week.
If I'm going to complete goal two I better run - I've got to get to the gym!