S is for... Sad, Secondary, Spartans, & Saturday

Today I am dedicating my blog to the letter S.

S for “S”ad teacher… I cannot figure out how to reply to your comments!! I am so frustrated – when I attempt to reply to your comments and click on “reply” nothing happens. I can scroll down and comment, but that is not what I want to do…if anyone can help me I will change my dedication to you!!

I just don’t want to seem like the mysterious blogger – I really want to be able to reply to you!!!

S for “S”econdary! I am linking with Live. Teach. Create today to share a secondary product. Although, I am not currently teaching secondary, I have quite a few resources that fit into that category. That is what happens when you’re there for 3 years and teach AG, regular education, and inclusion classes – you amass a rather large and assorted collection.

When I taught 7th grade my two favorite book studies were The Giver and The Cay. I loved reading both of these books with my students. It is amazing how much you learn about your students through their response to literature. Hopefully you can use them in your classroom.

I know my students loved the movie project with The Cay. Their final assignment was to design a movie poster for the book. They loved it! I was truly amazed to see their creative (and sometimes emotional) sides come out in their work.

S for “S”partan football! I couldn’t leave out my Saturday football. Let’s go State!

Have a great “S”aturday all!
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