December Currently, a Little Motivation, 5 for Five, & Manic Monday

Yikes! It’s Monday and a track in day – that means there is going to be too many things for me to get done today!! I am sure you can imagine the look of panic on my face!!
Here is my December Currently looks like…thanks to Farley at Oh’ Boy 4th Grade


I have a ton of stuff to get done which includes starting my Christmas shopping and decorating! I know you must completely be wondering what I’ve been doing, but heading back to school during the Christmas season is bull crap very overwhelming.

I have to get my classroom stuff ready….and…and… I won’t give you the {sniff, sniff} sob story, but it is really over the top stressful!!

Okay – so I am in obvious need of motivation!!

My workout hasn’t defeated me.  I’ve not been to the gym lately, but I am not giving up!!

 I’ve not been to the gym lately, but I am not giving up!!

Okay, and, because it is Monday, and I LOVE my new bloggy friends Jenn and Jessica here is the recap of my 5 for Five…

I’ll just forewarn you – this week was not very productive, be ready to see some red!!

1.  Lesson plan for the next two weeks – Done, check!!!

2.  Hit the gym three times this week.  Yes, another week of sad & sorry excuses…blah!

3.  Start decorating for Christmas – even if it is just brining the boxes into the living room… Nope- the boxes remain in storage…too busy arranging my classroom on Friday and actually took time to restore on Saturday… on the list again this week!

4.  Paint more clothes pins for our behavior chart….. dang, another one I didn’t get to!

5.  Have my classroom set up and arranged before next Monday morning. Done, check & yes, I had to stay until 6:00 on Friday…alas, the reason the other tasks on my list were not completed…

And now…. looking forward!!  I’m planning on seeing green next Monday… let’s do this!

1.  Gym three times this week – my clothes are with me today so Monday is a no brainer!!

2.  Paint the clothes pins for our behavior chart – my kids need to have this done, so again – the pressure is on!

3.  Start decorating for Christmas – I have nothing on the calendar for next Saturday yet, so that is the day…

4.  Finalize next week’s lesson plans, homework calendar, etc. so I have it ready to be copied on Friday and have next weekend free for decorating! I must be a genius – pre-plan, see me shine – I’m simply {{{brilliant}}}

5.  Schedule an appointment for a massage… to reward myself for getting everything on my list done!

Finally – if you have made it this far – thanks for hanging with me!!  It’s Manic Monday at Classroom Freebies!!

This Monday’s freebie is a Snowy Friend Math Story.  This is a quick math freebie – hope you enjoy!!

Happy Monday all!  Thanks for sticking with me & have a super-spectacular day!!
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