Monday 5 for Five & A Manic Monday February Freebie

Only a few Monday’s left of my “track in” and then I’m out for 3 weeks!! Yes, I repeat 3 weeks.  Now, my personal babies are still in school so I will be home alone (awwww…) but I plan on getting a ton of stuff done!!

 The rest of Realistic family hates my track out (personally, I think they are jealous, but I feel the same when they have their WHOLE summer off!).  It doesn’t mean I get to sleep it – Youngest Realistic is a “carpool” kid so I will still be up early to drop him off, but it does mean I get to sneak in a nap during the day!! Yayyy!!  I shouldn’t get ahead of myself though…I still have 7 days with my kiddos and 3 work days until I can cherish this quiet and restful period.

Let’s get this party started… It has become a Monday tradition (that I LOVE).  I am linking up with Jenn and Jessica for 5 for Five. 

Here are last week’s results…
1.  Schedule my massage appointment for this month – oh my gosh!  I did it, I really did; I made my appointment for Friday. Then there was this God awful storm (ok, I am not a native of North Carolina, so it made me giggle…it was just some ice) and they cancelled all the afternoon appointments.

2.  Go to the gym at least twice this week – I went Monday…. but that was it.  Lame, I know – my bestie has reminded me at least 5 times this week – but I’m sure it was the bug that did it to me. I went to sleep at like 7 each night!!

3.  Make doctor’s and dentist appointments – do these people not want patients?!?  Seriously, I’ve left messages, sent emails…I don’t think I am that crazy patient.

4.  Get next week’s lesson plans, homework, and materials printed, copied, and ready! Yes, baby! Another one crossed off the list!!!

5.  Schedule at least 3 blog posts…. check, done!

A little disappointing… I mean, really, 3 out of 5.  I can do this – I must do this – this is my week!!!  So here goes…

1.  Reschedule that massage – I was so looking forward to it!!

2.  Make those dentist and doctors appointments.  I will be relentless!

3.  Blog at least 3 times.  I think I can, I think I can!

4.  Work on my North Carolina book project.

5.  Get to the gym – twice. Yes, I am going to have a bikini ready body by June!  Okay-  that is probably too graphic of an image and I may have seared your eyeballs.  Sorry!

Congratulations for making it through my list!! 

So, if you hung on long enough… or maybe skipped to the end, you’ve earned your Manic Monday freebie!

Here is my February Speller’s Choice Menu.  Nothing fancy, but my kiddos love it!!

Peace out peeps!

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