I am linking up with Ashley Lately for her Sunday Social. I am so excited to join up today!! Today is her 3 year blogaversary! Congratulations – I am in awe!!
1. What is your ideal way to relax?
I love reading!! I belong to a book club, and up until this year I have kept track of each book I’ve read. It is an obsession!! If I’m not reading you can find me playing games on my phone…I really need to upgrade to an iPad (hint, hint to one of the guys in my life!)
2. Where is your favorite place to be?
In the Mitten! I miss home so much – the family and people, but also the feeling of being home. I am looking forward to a day when I can spend a few uninterrupted weeks up north with my parents!
3. Who do you consider your biggest role model?
My mom - My mom is my best friend and biggest fan. She is the strongest and most amazing woman I know…. and the one true lady who has been with me through EVERYTHING!!
4. What does your life look like in 3 years?
Whoa – I have no idea. 3 years ago I wouldn’t have seen myself where I am now, so I am just along on this journey and making the best of each day. I know that I will continue to be surrounded by the people I love, and to me, that is the most important thing of all. Hopefully within the next three years we can add a new puppy to the mix though!
5. If you could go back and change one decision, what would it be?
Not one. Each decision, good or bad, has made me the person I am today. I know that is so cliché, but it is true. There have been many difficult journey’s in my life and I hated them when I was experiencing them, but they taught me something, lots of lessons learned.
6. What is your biggest accomplishment in life so far?
My boys! They are the most amazing accomplishments. I cannot take even half of the credit for the young men they have become, but they simply amaze me every day. After that, graduating from college. Going to school and being a full time mom was tough stuff, but worth every minute.
I thought I had gotten through the "sick season" free and was about to celebrate whe I was bit by the bug! Drats! Although I have been trying to rest (I can't afford to take a break!) I was bitten by the Creativity Bug! I hate when that happens - I can't even shut my mind off long enough to relax!
Anywho, I have a new product - Flower Power Compound WordMatch-up. I am ready for spring! And my kids need to work on compound words so it's the perfect pair!
I thought I had gotten through the "sick season" free and was about to celebrate whe I was bit by the bug! Drats! Although I have been trying to rest (I can't afford to take a break!) I was bitten by the Creativity Bug! I hate when that happens - I can't even shut my mind off long enough to relax!
Anywho, I have a new product - Flower Power Compound WordMatch-up. I am ready for spring! And my kids need to work on compound words so it's the perfect pair!
I also wanted to share an amazing giveaway at Mrs. Mc's page! She has TONS of great stuff! Only one day left!
Have an amazing Sunday (yes, that is a compound word)!