Friday Flashback, Thanksgiving Books and more!

Wow – I have so much to post about today! I was going to post Friday, but time got away from me! Holy guacamole! We were so busy in our room this week – with elections, our school-wide technology run, and track-out I feel like I hardly had time to sit down!

I’ve linked up with Teaching Maddness’s Friday Flashback....I know it's Sunday, but better late than never!


Here is our week looked like in photos…

In writing this week we finished up our Veteran’s Day letters. I can’t wait to send them off to the troops. Our kids are looking forward to getting some great responses. They had great questions and did a fantastic job describing themselves and their interests!

I got a real laugh out of one of my students this week who dubbed himself the “King of the Redneck Kids”. If I can remind you, I teach in a suburban school… Here is a picture of how he described himself during his Daily 5 writing time.

Yes, I am still laughing…ah, the things kids say – love it! The picture isn’t the best quality and it’s hard to read, so let me interpret for you…”I am the king of the redneck kids. When I grow up I’m going to have a monster truck.” There is a picture of him singing “Sweet Home Alabama”. Gosh, I love that kid!

Unfortunately, I forgot to get my camera out for Election Day! Ugh, I’m so disappointed! The kids had a great time comparing and contrasting President Obama and Senator Romney on Monday. It was great that a 5th grade teacher friend could stop in for a quick visit. I think some of the comparisons really shocked her. My kids are still so concrete – yes, Romney has sons and Obama has daughters…let’s get real guys!

I’m also linking up with Beach, Sand & Lesson Plans and First Grade Found Me! this week to focus on Thanksgiving books!

Thanksgiving is actually my FAVORITE holiday. Really, it’s perfect – there is no stress to find the perfect gift, not a whole lot of decorating to do – most of the fall stuff is already up – it’s just a great holiday to celebrate family and friends and what is truly important in your life. It is also when I get 3 weeks off – an added bonus of being a year-round teacher!!

Although, I do miss spending my summers with my boys and relaxing “up north” with my family. Even though I am officially “out” for Thanksgiving, I still love to create fun projects and activities for other people’s classrooms.

A few of my favorite Thanksgiving books are:

Thank You, Sarah: The Woman Who Saved Thanksgiving

I Know an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Pie

A Plump and Perky Turkey

My favorite – and only – turkey product is my Thanksgiving Literacy, Math & Problem Solving activity pack. There are 14 great activities to incorporate into your classroom. Why not have a Turkey Party with a variety of stations!

Finally, yes, this is the end of my post – I told you I’ve been busy and had lots of things going on! I finally started my own Facebook page. I'd love you to like my page!

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