November Currently…Thankful, yes!...Great Giveaways!

Wow – it seems like it’s been forever since I was able to post. I’ve been so busy with conferences, tutoring, and other “teacher stuff” that I haven’t had time to sit down this week! I’ve linked up with Farley’s November Currently this weekend. Here is what I am currently up to…

And, although I am busy, busy, busy, Stories by Storie reminded me to think about and share just a few things I am thankful for this season.

I am part of One, Two, Three: Math Time’s great giveaway! There are some fantastic items you can win! From my store you can win Money at the Movies. My students love, love, love this lesson! The idea that they can go to the “movies” and buy whatever they want is so exciting to them! Its aligned to common core for 2nd grade but can be used in 1st as an enrichment activity, or in 3rd as remediation.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

I am also a part of Live, Teach, Create’s Fantastic Fall-ower Giveaway. She has 4 giveaways going so make sure you enter one or all! From my store you can win Amber Brown is Not a Crayon Book Club. This is another activity that my students have enjoyed!

Race over and enter these great giveaways!

Don’t forget to set your clocks back one hour – an extra hour to get some work done! Yayyyy!!
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